Payment issues
How can I change my payment currency on Facebook?
The currency in which the prices of offers is displayed depends on the country in which your account is registered. If you are seeing a curr...
How do I change my payment currency in the browser client?
The currency displayed on offers that are shown to you depends on the country in which your account is registered. Please note th...
How do I claim a Free Sale?
You can claim a free package from the shop page once every 20 hours. You may need to navigate through various sections of the shop to find t...
Help with store purchases
This article contains some valuable tips if you encounter issues while making purchases in our store in the browser game client.An error occ...
Help with store purchases
This article contains some valuable tips if you encounter issues while making purchases in our store via our mobile game clients.How d...
How do I change my payment currency?
When you play on an Android device, your country in Google Play determines which currency you use in the Play Store. If your device is displ...
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