All tournaments in the game
The full list of tournamentsTournaments in the game are special events with different goals in which you can compete with other player...
Regular tournaments
Regular tournaments are launched randomly. There is no schedule for them, and they do not have specific launch dates and times. They ca...
Events related to troop revival
Sacred Rituals You can recover fallen troops using Sacred Potions.If you use Sacred Potions to revive troops, you'll get a portion of ...
Epic monster battles
During these events, one or more epic monster squads will appear on the map. You can only defeat them by joining forces with other players f...
Clash of Kingdoms
During the Clash of Kingdoms, players from different Kingdoms do battle against one another. The goal is to capture and hold the banners of ...
Clash for the Throne
The Clash for the Throne is held once every two weeks. It lasts for two days and is one of the most important events in the game. The main g...
Trade routes
During the tournament, Mercenary Exchanges will appear in all Kingdoms. Players will be able to send their Captains to Exchanges in other Ki...
Rise of the Ancients
This is a Clan tournament in which players join forces to raid Vaults, upgrade artifacts, and then defeat an epic Ancient squad.The event co...
The Great Hunt
The Great Hunt is a Clan tournament in which players need to complete contracts involving killing monsters in order to earn tournament ...
There are four seasonal festivals in the game, one for each season:Springfest SummerfestAutumnfest Winterfest Festivals function s...
General descriptionThere are currently three types of Bazaar event in the game with similar mechanics. Below, you will find a detailed descr...
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