If you created your account via Facebook and are having trouble accessing it on our website, please follow these steps:

1. Go to our website.

2. Click the "f" in the upper right-hand corner of the website:

3. The Facebook login window will pop up. If you are logged in to Facebook with the account that you first started playing Total Battle on, you will be logged in automatically and will be able to play right away. If not, then enter the login and password of the account you started playing Total Battle on in order to continue playing. If you have forgotten the password for the relevant Facebook account, then click "Forgot password?":

4. You will be redirected to Facebook's account access recovery procedure. Enter your phone number or e-mail in order to find your account:

5. Depending on your account security settings, you may have more than one way to restore access to the account. Select one of them and proceed according to Facebook's instructions:

If you experience further issues restoring access to your Facebook account, please contact Facebook's support directly.